
Activities that can stunt Maturity

The following are areas where research has shown stunting, stopping, and digression of maturity if repeated frequently and/or not changed. Some are addictive and more harm can come of it than good if your child participates in it even be prudent with the time you and your children spend on these.

Video Games (definition)
Gaming (definition)
Lack of Social Interaction
Avoidance of Commitment
Lack of Discipline
Lack of Experience in Relationships
Excessive Television/Movies
Online Chat Rooms (definition)

A lot of these are intertwined. For example, when one is engaged in video games typically they are not socially active and gaining the necessary personal skills needed for a relationship. This can contribute to why a 30 year old man can feel very insecure and fearful around women due to lack of confidence and experience.

A longer list with references will be presented on a later discussion. Here is a discourse by Elder Bednar from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that talked about a few of these topics and the impact it has.

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that video games can be so incredibly stimulating, and the effects are so lingering, that a person is unable to concentrate on their studies or other daily responsibilities, even to the point that they really start to lose touch with reality.

    Early / Excessive drug and alcohol use may also stunt maturity.
